24 December 2016

A Repurposed Christmas

A post to (hopefully) inspire you to look at old things in a new way.

This post should have been up long before now, but time has just gotten away from me, so there may not be any time to make them this year, but that gives you a whole year to decide which ones will feature in your Christmas decorating next year.

Bed springs can be used to make the cutest little Christmas trees.

A few of these simple decorations would make an unusual centrepiece for the table on Christmas day.

These are actually necklaces, but I think they would look beautiful hanging in the tree.

If you don't happen to have any old fashioned cotton reels lying about you could use corks instead. 

Mindy at The Happy Scraps used a Cricut to make her flip chart Christmas countdown, but the same thing could be achieved using scrapbook paper, cardboard numbers and old Christmas cards.

Mindy at Prudent Pennypincher shows us a cute way to make a hanging countdown to Christmas using empty toilet rolls.

Old picture frames can be decorated and used as an alternative the traditional Christmas wreath.
 Source unknown

Source unknown

If you lucky enough to have a fireplace this would make a fantastic focal point to all your Christmas decorating.

But if you don't have the wall space for a gate, how about a bicycle wheel.
Source unknown

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a 


I hope you have a joyous and peaceful day spent with the ones you love.

I will be back with a garden update as soon as I can take some photos, we are on day two of a heat wave and the veggie garden is covered in shade cloth at the moment. 

Disclaimer: I try to give credit to the owners of all the images I use, sometimes this is not possible, those images where the source is unknown will be assumed to be in the public domain. If you are the owner of any of these images (source unknown) and would like them removed or credit added, please let me know


  1. I hope you had a lovely Christmas, Jan. How did your garden go during the heat wave? It's really hot here today, mid 30Cs, gave my garden an extra watering this morning. I like these repurposed Christmas ideas, the bed spring trees are great! Meg:)

    1. A very quiet Christmas this year with only my youngest daughter home with me, but it was still a nice day. The garden came through the heatwave with no damage, I gave it lots of water and I covered the gardens in shade cloth. The bed spring Christmas tree is my favourite too and I will be making some for Christmas this year. Have a safe and peaceful New Year and thanks for visiting.
