29 December 2019

Christmas 2019

Well, that's Christmas over and done with for another year. My Christmas day was a bit different this year as it was the first time in a long time that I didn't host it.

My daughter and her fiance bought a house earlier this year and they decided that they would like to host Christmas at their home which was lovely for me as the only thing I had to do was bring fruit, some cheese and crackers. I have no photos to show you as I was busy just enjoying time with my family.

We've already started planning for Christmas next year, which will be more than likely spent in Brisbane at my youngest son's house we are looking forward to it and hoping that it will be a lot cooler than it was this year.

We don't buy gifts for everyone in our family, but we do do a Not So Secret Santa every year and every year it gets harder and harder to find something that I would like. When I was browsing my Pinterest a few weeks ago this print came up in my feed and although it's not my usual style of art something about it appealed to me and I requested it as my gift, I'm thinking of buying three more and hanging them above my bed.

How was your Christmas Day? Are you already making plans for next year? Let me know in the comments.


  1. The print you chose is beautiful, Jan. I love the colours in it. Meg:)

    1. Thank you, Meg. It looks even nicer in real life.

  2. Lovely for you to sit back and enjoy the event at someone else's place. I host it at my place every year however we all bring things - the same routine every year so it's super easy. My Mum and my sister bring the ham and prawns, I make Asian Noodle Salad and the Pasta Salad and bread rolls and set up the table for lunch and my other sister does the choc plum pudding and custard. Mum and my sister make the family Christmas Cake every year which takes 6 hrs in the oven and we are so full on Christmas Day that we end up cutting that in the New Year. Brisbane has a light drizzle of rain this year so it was a lovely cool Christmas instead of 35 degrees. Lovely to be with family though. Lovely print too. We do the one $50 gift now as the present and to make it easy everyone wants giftcards and they state which one they want. I was going to get a Bunnings one however I opted for a Joseph & Joseph rolling pin $40 which has different size discs at the end that you use to get your pastry/biscuits all the same height ie 2mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm 10 mm etc and you just slide the one on and screw it in. It's nice to get something that is a bit of a luxury for Christmas.

    1. It sounds like your Christmas day is similar to ours Kathy with everyone bringing something to share. Our Christmas (and birthday) budget is $50 also and most people ask either for cash or a gift voucher. My mother used to make a Christmas cake for all her children every year but she has been gone 20 years now and I don't have the knack for making cakes that she had. Your rolling pin sounds interesting, I will have to have a look at it, and your right a little bit of luxury at Christmas is very nice.
