13 July 2021

25 Sustainable Swaps To Help Save Our Planet

 We all know by now that plastic is not good for the environment, and we all know that we should be doing our bit to help cut down on the amount of plastic we use each day. Cutting down on the amount of plastic in our lives is not easy, but choosing to live a more sustainable life is not only good for us but good for our planet as well. Below are twenty-five ways you can use to live a more sustainable life. 

1. Bamboo cutlery is a great alternative to plastic cutlery. I bought mine online, but I have seen them in my local supermarket. 

Image courtesy of Good Soul Shop on Unsplash

Another solution to plastic cutlery is to take your own from home wrapped up in a fabric napkin.

2. Reusable produce bag. These are readily available these days online or in the supermarket or if your crafty you could make your own.

3. Buy a metal reusable water bottle, I have one that's insulated and keeps the water in it cool for six hours, not the water last that long.

Image courtesy of Joan Tran on Unsplash.

4. Bamboo or metal straws are readily available these days I purchased mine from Kmart.

5. Reuse glass jars for storage. We all end up with empty jars from jam, pasta sauce, tomato paste etc; rather than put them in the recycling bin keep them for storing dry goods in the pantry and leftovers in the refrigerator. They may not be aesthetically pleasing as mason jars but choosing to reuse them will save you money.

6. Make your own bread. Even if you only buy one loaf of bread a week you would be saving fifty-two plastic bread bags a year from ending up in the landfill.

Image courtesy of Laura Ockel on Unsplash.

6. Skip buying soft drinks in plastic bottles and invest in a soda maker and make your own. 

7. Buying in bulk is much easier now than it used to be with most supermarkets having bulk bins in their stores now. Don't forget to take your own containers and bags with you.

8. Ditch the garbage bags. I haven't used a bag in my kitchen bin for over three years now. I simply line the bottom of the bin with two layers of newspaper which helps soak up any liquids and if the bin does get messy it doesn't take a lot of effort to clean it out.

9. Switch out that plastic-wrapped toilet paper for another like Who Gives a Crap, who not only make great toilet paper but also donates 50% of their profits to help bring toilets to people in need.

10. Carry a reusable coffee cup with you when you're out and about. 

11. Invest in a safety razor or at least buy a razor that only requires new blades.

Safety razor available from Flora and Fauna.

12. There is no need to keep on buying those plastic pot scourers, there are more sustainable options available for you to buy like these Coconut scourers or this kitchen scrubber.

13. Did you know that there is a cling wrap that is 100% compostable Compostable cling wrap

14. Beeswax wraps are another excellent alternative to plastic cling wrap and are also 100% compostable. There is also a vegan version as well, both of which are easy to make at home.

Vegan wraps are available from Flora and Fauna.

15.When you need to replace your kitchen utensils consider buying steel or bamboo instead of plastic.

16. Bamboo toothbrushes are a more sustainable option than plastic and apart from the bristles (which can be pulled out) are fully compostable. You can also purchase floss made from bamboo that is also compostable.

17. There are now cotton buds available that are fully compostable Bamboo and cotton buds

18. Buy or make yourself some reusable face pads to replace those single-use make-up wipes. These ones from Target come with their own laundry bag Reusable face pads. 100% cotton or bamboo facecloths are another alternative and can be composted when longer usable.

19. Consider investing in clothes, bed linen, towels etc made from natural fibres such as cotton, linen and bamboo.

20. When it comes time to replace your laundry basket think about buying a bamboo, cane or metal basket instead.

Image courtesy of Kmart Australia.

21. I know some people don't like the idea of using handkerchiefs instead of tissues but they are the best sustainable option you can choose and they really aren't any grosser than using tissues. If you're worried about germs just wash them on your washing machine warm cycle.

22. Swap out paper towels for unpaper towels, you will find a tutorial for making your own on Paper and Stitch's blog. Not only will they save you money it's also a great way to use up old towels.

23. Buy second-hand clothes instead of new ones. I was always against second-hand clothing when my children were growing up, the clothes were always dumped into bins that you had to rummage through and more often than not if you found something you liked it was damaged or dirty. These days however op shops (thrift stores) are completely different and the quality of the clothes is so much better. There is also the added bonus that most are run by charitable organisations and I am more than happy to support them.  Op shops are also a great resource for books and DVDs.

24. Replace single-use batteries with rechargeable ones. The cost is more expensive to start with, but it will save you money in the long run.

25. Replace a meat centred dinner with a plant-based meal one day a week, you can find some amazing vegan or vegetarian meals on Pinterest.

There you go, 25 easy ways to live a more sustainable life and help save this beautiful planet we live on. 

Until next time, stay safe, be kind to each other and the planet.


  1. Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment. I urge you to give Elaine's recipe and process a go because last week I still had no idea [even though I'm a baker of lots of bread] yet in 24 hours now I'm super confident with the sourdough. I think her videos, web page with the process and cold oven start is a game changer. I kept putting it off myself and killed quite a few starters and it seemed too hard until now. Have a great week. Kathy

    1. I would love to try Elaine's recipe, but these days gluten and I are not friends. I do have a gluten free sourdough bread recipe that I want to try altough I don't think it will be as easy as Elaine's.
