31 March 2016

March GSC - Colour

Welcome to this months Garden Collective, the theme this month is COLOUR.
Colour affects our lives every day, most of the time without conscious thought from us, it affects our mood, warns us of danger, lets us know when a fruit or vegetable is ripe enough for us to eat, and is a pleasure for us to look at.

 Even within the confines of a vegetable garden there are many different colours, you just have to look for them. Here are some of the colours found in my garden.

The soft, pale lemon of a watermelon flower.

Bright golden yellow zucchini flowers.

Pale green and white stripes on an immature butternut pumpkin.

The zesty green of a baby watermelon.

Mottled green and silver zucchini leaf.

Bright green cayenne peppers, which in time will change to a fiery red.

Lime green of newly emerged corn silk,  

and the straw colour of the dried up male flower stem.

The beautiful blush of pink on the soon to be ripe raspberries.

And lastly, the beauty of a butterfly that shortly before I took this photo had laid her eggs on my orange tree.


Nothing at the moment, I'm waiting for my seedlings to be big enough to transplant. 


Sweet corn, I picked five this morning and there is still more to come. I will (hopefully) have a butternut pumpkin and a watermelon to harvest in a few weeks time.  

And that's it for another month of Garden Share Collective hosted by Kate at Rosehips and Rhubarb and Kyrstie at A Fresh Legacy. Pop over to their websites to see who else has linked up this month.


  1. Oh that pumpkin is perfectly gorgeous! Your garden has an abundance of wonderful produce coming along. I am very envious of your raspberries-enjoy

  2. I'm so envious that you can grow raspberries. They are my favourite fruit. Do any of yours actually make it into the house?

    1. Not so far Kate, but it is still young and not producing much.
