05 October 2021

Blogtober Day 5

I slept in this morning after having had a very bad nights sleep due to a sore hip which I could put down to getting older, but my left hip has been giving me problems on and off since I was in my mid 30's, lately, it has been causing me a lot of pain more often. Arthritis? Probably! Which I'm sure an X-ray will verify. 

Today is in complete contrast to yesterday, the sun is shining and the sky is blue so I took a walk into town by way of the river late this morning to pick up a few necessities, by the time I got back home, it was time for lunch. 

Fumitory is an annual weed that germinates in winter and flowers in spring. It is considered a noxious weed in agricultural areas.

Nasturtiums grow wild along the river bank at this time of the year

The river that runs through my town.

The view along the river path.

My plan for after lunch was to spend some time weeding the vegetable garden which due to all the rain we have been having is almost overrun with weeds, but because of the rain we had yesterday the ground is too wet to walk on so that will have to go on my list of jobs for this coming weekend.  

Instead of weeding, I sorted out the last of the small plastics recycling which was all my empty tubes of skincare and toothpaste from the last 18 months or so, they are now outside drying.  

Once it is all dry I will package it up and send it off to Flora and Fauna for recycling. After hanging out my washing it was time for a cup of coffee and some chocolate something I look forward to every day.

I will be back with another post tomorrow.



  1. Nice to enjoy a walk and yes who doesn't love chocolate...I'm addicted too. Have a good week.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Kathy, I hope your week has been a good one.
