12 September 2013


It is 3.41 as I sit typing this post and it is raining outside, which is a good thing because the garden really needed it.
Tiny flowers on my tiny Geraldton Wax plant.
I am feeling uninspired at the moment, uninspired and a bit blah. There is so much to do in the house and out in the garden but I just can't find the motivation to do any of it.
Gold Bunny, the first rose of the season.

I'm hoping that it is just the change of seasons that has me feeling so out of sorts and that I will get my mojo back soon. In the meantime here are some photos taken in the last week or so.
The last of the turnips, so good.

Papaver somniferum (Opium poppies), they take over the front garden every year at this time but I don't really mind as they're so pretty.
Plum blossoms.
Flowering Dill.
I'll be back soon, I hope.


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