21 May 2016

Repurpose - Reuse - Recycle

A monthly post to (hopefully) inspire you to look at old things in a new way.


It never ceases to amaze me what people can do with some old pallets, a little time and imagination, below are a few examples.

I couldn't find a source for this one, but I don't think it would be too hard to work out how to make it. It would look lovely on an outside wall filled with candles, perfect for summer dining outdoors. 

Katie from Farm to Fete has a tutorial for making this simple outdoor bar.

You can find the plans for this retro-style pallet coffee table over at Homedit.

I love this coffee table made by Lexie over at Sustainable Decor.

How about building a swinging day bed, the perfect place to 
while away a lazy summer's afternoon.

Or perhaps build some swings for the little ones.

Source unknown

Pallets are the perfect building material for making compost bins.

They make an ideal solution for storing garden tools.

They can even be turned into a moveable herb garden, Roeshel over at DIY Show Off
will show you how.

Bebs from Foxy Folksy will show you how to turn a few pallets into a container garden.

They can be used to build a potting bench, essential for every gardener.

And they make a great fence for your vegetable garden.
My garden fence made by my youngest son Kyel.
That's it for this month, I will see you all again next month with another Repurpose - Reuse - Recycle post.

Disclaimer: I try to give credit to the owners of all the images I use, sometimes this is not possible, those images where the source is unknown will be assumed to be in the public domain. If you are the owner of any of these images (source unknown) and would like them removed or a credit added, please let me know


  1. Your son is clever, the gate looks great. I love that retro style coffee table too.

    1. Thanks Kyrstie, I just wish he was still at home, I have plenty of other things that I would like him to do. I love the coffee table too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These are very cool, I particularly like the fence your son made! The potting bench is something I'm definitely going to try, my wife would love to have one. Thanks for all the great ideas, pallets are so easy to get a hold of as well. A friend of mine recently made a 'mud kitchen' for his son out of them.

    Dennis Barton @ Chand's Disposal

    1. Hi Dennis, You're welcome, I'm happy to have inspired you. I would love to see a photo if you do make the potting bench for your wife. Thank you for dropping by.
