31 March 2016

March GSC - Colour

Welcome to this months Garden Collective, the theme this month is COLOUR.
Colour affects our lives every day, most of the time without conscious thought from us, it affects our mood, warns us of danger, lets us know when a fruit or vegetable is ripe enough for us to eat, and is a pleasure for us to look at.

 Even within the confines of a vegetable garden there are many different colours, you just have to look for them. Here are some of the colours found in my garden.

The soft, pale lemon of a watermelon flower.

Bright golden yellow zucchini flowers.

Pale green and white stripes on an immature butternut pumpkin.

21 March 2016

17 March 2016

Time To Sow - Sweet Peas

 In Australia it has become tradition that sweet peas are sown on St. Patrick's Day, but they can be sown as early as February or as late as April. Beautifully fragrant, they make an excellent cut flower for the home and they come in a myriad of colours from white through to crimson, some varieties grow to 1.8 metres, but there are also dwarf varieties available.

15 March 2016

06 March 2016

Repurpose - Reuse - Recycle

A monthly post to (hopefully) inspire you to look at old things in a new way.

A Potpourri

Kathy at Suited to the Seasons created this pea trellis out old bicycle wheels and twine.