16 May 2016

Peas and Garlic

The peas I sowed on April 23rd are starting to emerge from the ground, the Purple Podded was the first, not quite 3 weeks after sowing. Only 4 out of the 10 seeds sown have sprouted so not a great germination rate, I sowed more  today and hopefully they will all germinate this time. The Oregon snow peas are just emerging, but so far there is no sign of either the Melting Mammoth or the Sugarsnaps.

Knowing that the Sugarsnap seeds were past the use by date I decided to go ahead and sow more just to be on the safe side. What's the bet that now I've done that they will all germinate, not that, that would bother me, Sugarsnaps are my favourite pea.

I sowed seeds for Dwarf Blue Bantam and Early Crop Massey on May 5th, the Early Crop only took six days to sprout and the Blue Bantam took nine days and it looks like a very good germination rate so far.  I think three days of good rain really helped.

The garlic is being very slow to grow. I planted 52 cloves on Anzac Day and so far only 4 have sprouted, I'm hoping that the other 48 aren't too far behind. 

So that's where things are for the peas and garlic at the moment, hopefully this time next month I will be picking and eating the first of the peas and come November there will be lots of lovely, smelly, delicious garlic to harvest.


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