28 April 2016

Freezing Herbs

I was lucky enough to score some free herbs this week, herbs that had reached their use by date,  herbs that would otherwise have ended up as landfill. My apology for the less than stellar quality photos, my kitchen doesn't have good light at the best of times and...

25 April 2016

Save the Bees

Welcome to this month's Garden Share Collective hosted by Kate from Rosehips and Rhubarb and Krystie from A Fresh Legacy, this month the theme is SAVE.  I had absolutely no idea what I was going to write about this month, and after tossing around a few ideas (saving seeds, saving produce, saving money) I finally decided to do a post on saving...

16 April 2016

Repurpose - Reuse - Recycle

A monthly post to (hopefully) inspire you to look at old things in a new way. Time To Retyre Every year in Australia about 48 millions tyres reach the end of the road, of those 48 million, only 16% are recycled, the rest end up in landfill, stockpiled or illegally dumped. Source Anything...

02 April 2016

A Slight Change In (Garden) Plans

It seems that I'm not happy unless I'm changing things around, I was certainly not happy with the way the vegetable garden was looking. I have been wanting to add more flowers to the vegetable garden for a while now so I sacrificed just over two metres of growing space for that purpose, which still left me with ten garden beds. When my girls gave...