16 October 2021

Blogtober Day 13, 14 and 15

 I didn't post on Wednesday because I had nothing to write about, I went to work, I came home, that was it. 

Thursday was much the same except that for the first time in years I went late night shopping with my youngest daughter. I wanted to buy some fabric to make myself some face masks to add to the ones I already have. The solid coloured fabrics were all from the remnants bin and the patterned fabrics were all on sale.

Each mask will have three layers a solid coloured layer, a patterned layer and a layer of muslin in between.

I also bought three new jigsaw puzzles at a price that was too good to pass up.

The sky on Thursday evening.
We had 26.4mm (1.03in) of rain overnight which I was glad of as it saved me from having to water the  gardens in my front yard.

That brings us to today. I had quite a long list of things to do today and I got most of them done. One of the things on my list was to give the fish pond pump a thorough clean. I took it all apart and cleaned it, put back together, put it back in the pond, turned it on and, nothing. So I took it apart again and made sure the impeller was seated properly, turned it back on and it still wouldn't work. I got the manual out to make sure I had done everything the right way and as I was looking at the diagram I noticed that on the bottom of the impeller was a small black grommet which I no longer had. Apparently it helps hold the impeller spindle in place and without it the pump won't work, so now I have to order a new one as they are a special order and not available in store. I just hope that fixes the problem.


  1. Just found your blog. Thanks for your comment on mine. Lovely to have a visitor from Australia and a fellow blogtoberist! Like the look of those jigsaws. I need a few more for the winter season. Hope you get your pump fixed soon. B x

    1. Thank you dropping by and leaving a comment Barbara. I've been reading your blog for about one year now and thought it was time to start commenting on your posts. The jigsaw puzzles are made by Hinkler and available on Booktopia if your interested in buying any.
